Fazenda California Brasil
Producer: Luiz Rodrigues
Region: São Paulo
Altitude: 750m
Variety: Mundo Novo
Processing: double fermentation
Acidity: medium
Sweetness: medium
Body: medium
Fazenda California
Incredibly bright coffee with a good body for espresso. Exciting notes of red fruit through the chocolate notes of the coffee.
Over Fazenda California
Dr. Paulo Rodrigues en and his cousin Luiz Saldanha Rodriguez bought this old farm in 2004 and turned it in one of the most exciting coffee farms in Brasil.
Dr. Rodrigues died in a plane crash. Luiz Rodrigues has taken it upon himself to continue the klegacy and fulfill the mission of delivering high quality coffees that can compete on the world stage.
The cherries are soaked in cold water for 24 hours and then fermented. After fermentation they are washed and fermented again. After the double fermentation, the coffee bens are dryed and left to rest for 10 days.